Wall Art

  • Exhibition and storage of artworks
  • Support for artists and creators
  • Utilization of the real estate we own
Wall Art

As part of an initiative by the Modern Industrial Heritage (the former Namura Shipbuilding Osaka site) Regional Revitalization Executive Committee, established in 2009, a project to paint large murals on the seawall of the former Namura Shipbuilding Osaka site began in 2010 in collaboration with Ridge Creative Inc. and Suminoe Ward. From 2010 to 2012, three mural works were completed on the seawall.

These murals softened the bleak image of the industrial area and allowed visitors to the area to easily engage with art, leading to the promotion of the Wall Art Project as part of the Kitakagaya Creative Village Project.

Now, over 30 pieces of wall art can be found throughout the community, including works by artists connected to Kitakagaya as well as pieces created by artists visiting from overseas.

Kitakagaya Creative Village Spaces